Program Updates 2011
Mobile Clinics
211 Stations visited
9,903 Patients seen
53 Volunteers involved
2 local Clinical Officer
2 Doctors
Covered western province and parts of Rift Valley
MDP( Micro-enterprise Development)
44 groups visited, attended business seminars each group comprising approximately 15 members each
11 Volunteers involved with local translators
Covered western Province
Womens Health
33 stations visited
510 women trained
28 Volunteers involved
Covered Western Province
HIV /AIDS Awareness
30 Stations visited
3,400 people trained in schools and community
16 volunteers involved
Covered western Province
Empower on HIV/AIDS
30 places visited
618 people trained
18 Volunteers involved with 4 local translators
Covered western Province
Nutrition programme
20 places visited
700 people trained
17 Volunteers from Cornel group
Covered western Province
Education – Epico Academy and St. Theresa’s Kabula
8 Student Teachers from Indiana University and other institutions
They served 405 children at Epico Academy and 690 Students at St. Theresa’s Kabula.